Recital series organised by BDOA member Andrew Kirk.
Organist and Director of Music, St Mary Redcliffe
Andrew also has responsibility for three choirs at the church. He regularly gives recitals on the famous four manual Harrison and Harrison pipe organ. He recorded an organ CD Redcliffe Restored which received a Gramophone Award. In recent years, his recitals have included Coventry, Derby, Leicester, Blackburn, Gloucester, Llandaff Cathedrals, Tewkesbury Abbey, St Mary’s Warwick and Temple Church, London. In partnership with the Bristol Concert Orchestra, he has been the organ soloist in Organ Symphony (Saint-Saens) and Organ Concerto (Poulenc).
Born and educated in Leicester, he won an Organ Scholarship to Pembroke College, Oxford where he studied organ with David Sanger. He spent two years in Western Australia as Assistant Organist at St George’s Anglican Cathedral in Perth. He holds the FRCO Diploma, gaining the Turpin and Durrant prizes for organ playing.
Please click here to download the programme details
A message from Andrew:
It’s with a great mixture of emotions that I am leaving St Mary Redcliffe after 20 fulfilling and rewarding years here. It’s now the right time for a change and to pass on the baton to someone else. I will be staying in the Bristol / North Somerset area for the time being, to pursue a freelance musical career in organ playing, and also accompanying and directing choirs.
It’s been an enormous privilege to have been custodian of this marvellous Harrison & Harrison organ –one of the finest instruments in the UK. I have many happy memories over the past two decades of the Thursday concerts and the players who bring this wonderful instrument to life and make it sing! Thank you for your support of these organ concerts over the years, and please continue to support the concerts next term and beyond.
Admission free – optional retiring collection.