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Officers 2024-2025

President: Claire Hobbs
Vice President: Mark Lee
Junior Vice President: John Talbot
Treasurer: Richard Powell
Secretary: Eric Tyson

Claire Hobbs was organ scholar at St John’s College, Oxford before postgraduate study at the RNCM and Geneva Conservatoire, where she won the Prix Otto Barblan for performance.   After positions as Organist of Holy Trinity Geneva, Assistant Organist at Bristol Cathedral and Organist at Clifton Cathedral, she retrained as a music therapist at GSMD, subsequently working in the NHS and education.  With extensive experience in teaching both the piano and the organ, Claire is happy to work with all standards, taking a holistic approach to teaching and performance skills, an ABRSM examiner and contributes regularly to the Organists’ Review.

Claire continues to perform as a recitalist, with recent recitals including Great St Mary’s Cambridge, Bristol Cathedral, St Mary Redcliffe, Bristol. She was President of the B&DOA in 1995 and we welcome her return for another term of office.