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Edgar Joyce was born in Bristol in 1911 and was involved throughout his life in church and organ music, mainly in the Bedminster and Southville area. Edgar was organist and choirmaster at St Paul’s, Coronation Road, Southville from 1975 until the time of his death in April 1998.

A founder member of the Bristol & District Organists’ Association and President of the Association in 1992, he was also a keen supporter of choirs and church music, with a particular interest and involvement in the Royal School of Church Music in the Bristol area.

The Edgar Joyce Memorial Fund and Annual Organ Recital was set up by his family in conjunction with the Bristol & District Organists’ Association to provide assistance to able young organists in furthering their careers, a cause which was very dear to Edgar in his lifetime. The Annual Recital, which is given on the organ that Edgar himself played, is a showcase for the talents of the young organists who have benefitted from the fund over the past year.


EJMF Grants are awarded to assist B&DOA Student Members in their tuition, sometimes with special lessons from a recognised nationally or internationally known expert, and/or attendance at an international organ course in the UK or elsewhere. The Fund also purchases music for Students undertaking organ courses, classes and examinations.

The EJMF has been pleased to help a good number of local young organ students this way during recent years. Most of the students who have benefited from grants continue in their musical careers, either full or part-time, and in various capacities. Some have been (and still are) in organist positions such as Blackburn Cathedral, Leeds Metropolitan Cathedral, Lichfield Cathedral, Norwich RC Cathedral, Portsmouth Cathedral, Salisbury Cathedral, St Paul’s Cathedral, Southwell Minster and Wells Cathedral.

Donations to the Fund may be made through the Bristol & District Organists’ Association. Please contact BDOA Secretary Eric Tyson for more information.