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BIOS Study Day in Bath


Fri 30 Sep 2022    
10:30 am - 3:30 pm


Museum of Architecture Bath
The Paragon, Bath, BA1 5NA
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Celestial Harmonists — Music and the Herschels

2022 marks the bicentenary of the death of Sir William Herschel (1738-2022), remembered chiefly for his many discoveries in astronomy. During the first half of his life Herschel was a professional musician and composer who came to Bath to take up the position of organist at the Octagon Chapel. Soon after he was joined by his younger sister, Caroline (1750-1848) who also worked as a musician but later joined her brother in astronomy and distinguished herself as a discoverer of new comets. Herschel Museum, Bath

This study day is part of a weekend of events marking the Herschel bicentenary and focuses on the musical lives of the Herschels. Another notable Bath bicentenary on the programme is that of the birth of William Sweetland (1822-1910) who was a significant organ builder based in the city during the nineteenth century. To download programme and booking form click here


10.30 Registration and coffee

11.00 The organ music of William Herschel (Prof David Baker)

11.45   William Herschel’s Symphonies (Alex Voice)

12.15   Caroline Herschel’s music book (David Shuker)

13.00  Lunch

14.00  Organ recital of a selection of William Herschel’s organ music (Prof David Baker)

14.30  Snetzler and his organs in Halifax and Bath — the Herschel connection (David Shuker)

15.00 William Sweetland and organ building in Bath in the 19th century (Gordon Curtis)

1530 Tea