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Organ Recital at Holy Trinity Kingswood

Organ Recital at Holy Trinity Kingswood


Sun 21 Apr 2024    
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Holy Trinity Church
High St., Kingswood, Bristol, BS15 4AB
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The next in their series of Sunday afternoon concerts will be on Sunday April 21st. at 3.00pm, and will be an organ recital given by
John Cottle, who is organist of Holy Trinity.
His programme will include pieces he has been asked to play at weddings. As well as the usual Wagner and Mendelssohn marches there will be some Widor (not just the famous Toccata!), Vierne and more.
As always at Kingswood, admission to concerts is free. Tea will be served following the recital, and a retiring collection will be taken in aid of the organ action fund.