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Social picnic and organ recital


Sat 10 Jul 2021    
2:00 pm - 5:30 pm


All Saints Church, Clifton
68 Pembroke Road, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 3ED
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Social picnic in the garden of All Saints Church, Clifton followed by an organ recital at 4pm with Norman Harper.  This will be an opportunity for members to meet again in person whilst adopting appropriate social distancing arrangements as appropriate.  Please bring your own food and drink.

This is a COVID secure venue with restricted seating so advance booking is essential. If you wish to attend either or both sections, please complete the form below by 9pm Friday 9th July:

Event details

2pm Social picnic in the garden of All Saints Church.

Please bring your own food, drink, and if possible chairs which will move inside in the event of poor weather. Toilets will be available. Seating will be allocated in advance and face coverings must be worn.   Admission is free and with a retiring collection.

4pm Organ recital by Norman Harper with big screen

Seating will be allocated in advance and face coverings must be worn.   Admission is free with a retiring collection.

Norman Harper was organ scholar at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, where he studied the organ with Peter Le Huray and Gillian Weir, and composition with Peter Tranchell.  During a career as organist, conductor, teacher and examiner he has broadcast solo recitals on Radio 3, performed in major venues in the UK and abroad and made CDs of French & German Baroque repertoire and modern British music.  Norman recently retired from St George’s Metropolitan Cathedral, Southwark, where he served as organist and director of music, including live broadcasts on BBC radio and television. The programme will be varied and include music by JS Bach, Bliss, John Stanley, Peter Tranchell, and Edith Bakfark.