The first series has gone well with interesting organists presenting enjoyable programmes. So the Redland Park URC Organ Group have now arranged the next series of Saturday morning “Organ Treats”.

Admission is by donation of £5
Under-18s free
They will take place at Redland Park United Reformed Church in Whiteladies Road, BS6 6SA and run initially from September to December this year.
The following organists have agreed to play:
- September 21st – Alison Howell
- October 19th – Andrew Kirk and Alison Howell with the Henbury Singers
- November 23rd – Trevor Fowler
- December 14th – Andrew Kirk
The format will remain the same, with Tea, Coffee and Cake starting at 10:30am and Organ music from 11:00am – 11:45am.
These details are also in the BDOA Events Calendar
Whilst in the area you might like to take the opportunity to visit the sustainable Whiteladies Road Farmers Market, almost directly opposite the church. A good selection of fresh, locally sourced, low-package fruit and veg, bakery goods, fish and meat are on sale, at sensible prices.